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Identities Revisited

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    Kittybike's picture
    Joined: 01/09/2009 - 11:22pm
    Identities Revisited

    A while back a discussion ensued on this site as to whether people should be identified by their sign-in web names (dr.kittybike) or should their full names be disclosed. I didn't realize the matter was settled & suddenly most of our names now show instead of our "handles". This despite one woman's concern about her privacy. Meanwhile, I notice some "special" folks get to be known as 'Ron', 'John G' while the single woman with privacy concerns had to 'reveal all' as most of us w/o choice, & I believe stopped posting as a result. Any one know the reason why we have exceptions? vs. choices? After all, these 2 & perhaps others w/o last names are not famous like say, 'Cher'.

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