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New to SBRA!

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    keith's picture
    Joined: 08/01/2013 - 10:49pm
    New to SBRA!


    My wife ( Lynda ) and I recently joined SBRA ( after the recommendation from two members at Kreb's last night!! ). After joining last night, we have already signed up for our first group ride - The Lobster Ride!!

    We are both looking forward to the ride, and are looking for suggestions on how to best prepare for it.

    Although we mountain bike, it's been a while since we have been in the saddle so need to build up some seat time or think about investing in some seriously padded shorts!! :-)

    We are planning on building up a little at the time each day, oscillating some runs in also.

    How fast does the "C / C+" group ride?

    Looking forward to many awesome miles....

    Thank You!


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